ARTC COLOMBIAThe recently created Association for Unmanned Vehicles of Colombia has the extended purpose of promoting and enabling RPAS commercial use in the country.
In Colombia there are +2,7 million land certificates to be re issued; 4,000 Km of oil and gas pipes projected or under construction; 6,000 km of new highways to be constructed under concession contracts; there are 2,000 km of new wide-trench rail roads to be built; 1,500 km of rivers to be develop,ed for navigation – constituting a huge scenario for RPAS technology application.
Consequently, the Association has planned the First Seminar of RPAS commercial applications. It will take place at the Bogota University Main Library complex. Dates are 19 and 20 march 2015, with an extension to a flight exhibition event on Saturday the 21st.
Más Info: Asociación de Aeronaves Remotamente Tripuladas de Colombia